Joel Hamer - Monlife

Community-curated exhibition ‘What Makes Monmouth, Monmouth’ tours locally

‘What Makes Monmouth, Monmouth’ exhibition is now at Monmouth Leisure Centre. As part of the exhibitions tour around Monmouth, residents and visitors can now view the collection at the Leisure Centre over the school summer holidays. 

The exhibition will tour different community venues in Monmouth until March 2025. 

A partner exhibition can also be seen at Monmouth Shire Hall until March 31, 2025.

The exhibition is part of Museum Services ‘Dynamic Collections: Opening the Box’ project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Residents from different local communities were invited to ‘open the box’ to the Shire Hall museum’s collection. They chose objects they thought told a story of Monmouth for them and gave their personal stories which are displayed in the ‘What makes Monmouth, Monmouth’ exhibition. The exhibition includes many objects, photographs and paintings that have never been displayed before, connecting us to our rich local history and culture.

Church Street embroidery, 2006 – will form part of the display

Alongside the exhibitions at the Leisure Centre and the Shire Hall this summer, MonLife Museum officers will also hold free family craft activities. The activities are available for all ages, so make this a summer of discovery and pop along to take part. Find out more here:

Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, Cllr Angela Sandles, said: “Thank you to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, donors to the museums, and our volunteers for making this project and exhibition possible. Showcasing the vast history of our towns is vitally important. Our team’s work, along with volunteers, is a true testament to their commitment to keeping local history alive. I’d urge everyone to come along to see ‘What Makes Monmouth, Monmouth’.”

The Shire Hall exhibition is open daily from 11 am to 4pm except for Wednesdays and Sundays (open Sundays during school summer holidays). The touring exhibition can be seen any time during open hours at Monmouth Library and Hwb, and after at Monmouth Leisure centre. Admission is free.

Find out more about exhibitions in Monmouth here:

If any venues would be interested in hosting the touring exhibition, please contact 

Caldicot Active Travel Links and Multi-User Route – Q&A

The Caldicot Links active travel scheme is designed to create an integrated network of shared use routes, linking existing and planned residential areas around east Caldicot to local destinations and public transport. The aim is to enable residents to use active travel for local trips and to connect to the wider Severnside active travel and public transport networks, through the construction of high quality and accessible routes for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Caldicot Active Travel Links scheme

Caldicot Links scheme focuses on the north and east of Caldicot. The scheme is broken down in to three different sections* (see plan below):

  • Phase 1: Running along the route of the old ex-Ministry of Defence Dinham railway line, from just south of the Cornfield at Portskewett, to level with Caldicot Castle Country Park.
  • Phases 2 & 3: From level with the country park northwards to Crick, crossing the northeast Caldicot development sites which are shown below in brown. The indicated development sites include areas that will be kept as green spaces and will not be built up.
  • Phase 4, the Multi-User Route: Running through the Country Park connecting Church Road to the west with Phases 1, 2 and 3 and Caldicot Road to the east.

*Sections of the scheme are being brought forward as funding and other constraints permit, i.e. not necessarily in numerical order.

Phase 1: The 1km long section along the old railway is currently in construction with contractors Horan Construction Limited. This work, is due to be completed in June 2024, finishing with the reinstatement of the temporary construction compound in Caldicot Castle Country Park.

During construction this section of the old railway line will need to be closed to the public for health and safety reasons and will include a temporary closure of the narrow footpath at the south-western end that links through to the industrial estate (Public Right of Way numbered 354/12/1 (part), 354/13/1, 376/10/7, 376/10/6 (part)).

In preparation for construction, vegetation clearance works have already been undertaken during an ecological window to clear areas for three access ramps and the main route. Additionally, many ash trees were felled as they had been identified as posing a risk to path users and to the existing highway bridges, largely due to infection with ash dieback disease, which left the trees at considerable risk of structural failure. An extensive compensatory replanting scheme of native trees and shrubs will be implemented once all the construction works are completed, to provide biodiversity net benefit and lead to a more resilient tree canopy along the route for the future.

At the beginning of December, a community litter pick was held along this section of the Links, when 17 volunteers helped to fill 50 rubbish sacks and create several piles of larger rubbish with items discarded over several decades.

Phases 2 & 3: MCC appointed contractors, Atkins Réalis, are undertaking a study of the options available for developing the route north and east of the Country Park, considering all the opportunities and the constraints of this area.

Phase 4 – Multi-User Route: MCC appointed consultants, Sustrans, have been undertaking a Route Options Review with key stakeholders following initial feedback on route proposals through the country park. Once this is complete, MCC will be ready to start the full design and permission process for the preferred route over the coming year.

Why focus on north and east Caldicot?

This scheme looks to improve sustainable access to services, shops, and sites of education and employment around Caldicot. Trip generation related to the planned residential development to the east and north of Caldicot, as well as the need to mitigate congestion related to local employment sites and the newly toll-free Severn bridges gives extra impetus to the scheme, as this is an opportunity to make active travel the preferred mode for local trips for old and new residents alike.

The phased Caldicot Links scheme focuses on the east of Caldicot, including linking to housing developments off Church Road and Crick Road, to ensure that current and future residents have accessible, healthy and sustainable transport options, to minimise and manage the road traffic impact of a growing population and to direct residents and visitors into the town centre as a local destination.

Below is a detail of our Active Travel Map for Caldicot, showing the time it would typically take to travel in the local area. The local development areas, shown in brown, will include parcels of green space (i.e. the indicated sites include areas that will not be built up):

What is active travel?

Active travel is a term used to describe walking, wheeling or cycling to a destination, which the Active Travel Act (Wales) 2013 calls “purposeful journeys”. It does not cover trips taken purely for leisure although it could significantly enhance leisure activities by helping to link up networks. Active travel can be used to get to school, work, services and shops, or as one of several modes on a longer journey – for example, walking to the station to catch a bus or train. Monmouthshire County Council (MCC)’s active travel strategy focuses on journeys of three miles or less, which means improving walking and cycling infrastructure within communities and between close-by settlements such as Caldicot, Portskewett and Crick, so that active travel can be the natural choice for local journeys. MCC also aims to improve active travel links to public transport, to support sustainable travel across the county.

How is the Caldicot Links scheme funded?

The Caldicot Active Travel links and Multi-user route will be funded through Welsh Government grants aimed at improvements to sustainable transport modes.

How will the removal of trees along active travel path route be mitigated?

In the construction of Phase 1, trees and greenery has been cleared to make way for the path and its access ramps. The amount of clearance is only that which is required to ensure the old railway line is safe for current users and to enable the construction of the Active Travel route while safeguarding wildlife on site. Once construction is complete, compensation planting of native trees and shrubs will introduce a more varied and resilient tree canopy bringing a net benefit for local biodiversity after the intervention.

The improved active travel routes are expected to increase local walking, wheeling and cycling opportunities, which should have a long-term positive impact on the environment and local biodiversity as described by Welsh Government’s Active Travel Act Guidance.

Why can’t cyclists use the road?

Many short car trips could be made by active travel instead. Perceived danger from road traffic is a key barrier preventing more people taking up active travel, and low levels of cycling despite the comprehensive road network demonstrate that cycling in the road is not a practical option for many. This scheme takes the opportunity to improve the accessibility of off-road routes which are more likely to offer an attractive and safe alternative to driving for a broader range of people, building the appetite for active travel whilst cutting the number of short trips made by car.

Contact us

If you would like to contact the project team, please email ActiveTravel@monmouthshire.go

New Exhibition at Shire Hall Museum

Throughout January, a new exhibition has been displayed at the Shire Hall to celebrate its 300-year history. This exhibition is the first of many new displays showcased at the new Shire Hall Museum.

Alongside the exhibition, the Shire Hall team will engage with our local communities and speak to visitors to understand what topics and themes they want to see in the museum. All feedback will be used to create the Interpretation Plan that will shape the design and visitor experience of the museum.

In addition to the exhibition, visitors can view the recent collection reviews carried out across MonLife’s museums.

Funded through the National Lottery Heritage Fund, this work supports the move of the Nelson and local Monmouth collections into their new home at Shire Hall. The grant is a welcomed positive addition, especially with the increasing pressure felt on cultural services due to reducing budgets. The work will help shape a sustainable future for the museum. Visitors will have an opportunity to vote on the key objects and themes related to Lord Nelson, which will further shape the future exhibitions at the new museum.

All this work has been part of the Dynamic Collections – Opening the Box project that the museum has been carrying out throughout 2023. After reviewing the Nelson collection, the team identified a collection of national significance. Now is your opportunity to provide feedback on what matters to you within the collection.

Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, Cllr Angela Sandles, said: “The new exhibition at the Shire Museum is an excellent opportunity for local communities and visitors to Monmouth to learn more about the history of such an iconic building in the heart of the town. We want to provide a space where everyone can learn about their local history and view displays they want to see. Please visit the exhibition and learn more about the fantastic work being undertaken in MonLife Museums.”

Find out more about what’s going on at the Shire Hall here: 

Work progresses on Williams Field Lane to Monnow Bridge Active Travel Route

Starting from 22nd January, Monmouthshire County Council will begin work on a new active travel route, the Williams Field Lane to Monnow Bridge Active Travel Route. 

This project is funded by the Welsh Government Active Travel Fund and Core Active Allocation Fund, and it aims to develop a brand-new active travel route in Monmouth.

This route is a crucial part of the comprehensive Active Travel network. It will provide direct access to Monnow Bridge and the services and facilities within the town centre. The path will connect Williams Field Lane to Monmouth town centre via Wonastow Road and Drybridge Street. It will also provide connections from Rockfield Road skatepark to the town centre.

The work being undertaken will see a number of changes along the route. They include:

  • Widening the existing footway on the northern side of Wonastow Road to accommodate a shared-use footway/cycleway (two lanes for traffic will be maintained).
  • Replacing the existing Wonastow Road/Rockfield mini-roundabout with a priority junction (T-junction).
  • Providing a pedestrian crossing on Wonastow Road and Rockfield Road.
  • Widening the existing footway on Rockfield Road from the new priority junction to Monmouth skatepark. Two-way traffic will be maintained, and bus stops will be unaffected.
  • Widening of a short section of the existing footway along Drybridge Street near the Monnow Bridge roundabout
  • Removing sections of on-street parking along Wonastow Road to deliver the route in line with the Active Travel Act Guidance.

The work is expected to last for 12 weeks, with an aim to finish by mid-April 2024. This route will provide links to education settings, such as Overmonnow Primary and Monmouth Comprehensive, and be a pivotal link to the town centre and its facilities. The works will require temporary traffic light controls and have been arranged, taking into account other planned roadworks in the area to minimise impact.

If you want to find details of the complete program of work in Monmouth, please visit

Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, Cllr Catrin Maby, said: “This is an exciting step in the progress of an Active Travel Route in Monmouth. The widening of footways will provide a safer route for cyclists and walkers as they travel around Monmouth.”

MonLife becomes ‘Centre of Excellence’ for the Leadership Skills Foundation.

The MonLife Sports Development team has been named a Centre of Excellence by the Leadership Skills Foundation for delivering the PlayMaker Award for Year 5 pupils across all primary schools in Monmouthshire.

The status recognises that MonLife Sports Development has excelled in implementing leadership and promoting the message of believe, lead and succeed through its high-quality provision. The Centre of Excellence status is awarded to the top 2% of the 2,500 centres.

Children playing. Children placing a ball on a sports cone

Having delivered the PlayMaker Award since 2017/18, the team have delivered the training to more than 5,500 pupils, with 100% of schools engaging in the programme.

The PlayMakers Award aims to support young people in developing their leadership skills and provide the knowledge and skills to plan and organise sports provision at their school. This allows young people to create activities they can deliver during break and lunchtimes safely. Through the PlayMaker Award, the pupils will gain critical communication, leadership, organisation and resilience skills.

The PlayMaker Award is the starting point for pupils on the Sports Development leadership pathway. Upon completing this award, there is potential for pupils to progress on to the Year 6 Bronze Ambassador scheme and later to the Secondary School Leadership Academies. The pathway spans from Year 5 onwards and provides the skills and knowledge necessary for students to pursue post-16 employment opportunities.

Monmouthshire County Council Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, Cllr Angela Sandles, said: “This is such fantastic news for the team to be recognised for their dedication. The Sports Development team ensures that pupils lead an active lifestyle and gain key skills in communication, leadership and organisation. These skills will allow them to develop in school and when entering the working world.

For more information on Sport Development programmes, or to contact the team, please email

All welcome to help shape the future of visual arts in Monmouthshire

Ann Sumner and Beth McIntyre meeting with Emma Bevan-Henderson, Chair of the Abergavenny Art Festival meeting at the Makers Crafts Gallery in Abergavenny 

We have exciting updates associated with the VAMM (Visual Arts Mapping Monmouthshire) Project research. This  work was organised through the Creative Cardiff partnership with MonLife as part of the Creative Industries Cluster Hubs (CICH) project.

  1. Commission Opportunity

Creative Cardiff, who in partnership with Local Authorities in Monmouthshire, Newport and Rhondda Cynon Taf, is currently seeking to commission nine artists to produce a piece of work on the theme of local creativity, community and innovation. This opportunity is being delivered as part of the Creative Industries Cluster Hubs (CICH) project.  Please note that commissioned works can be multidisciplinary across a variety of creative mediums, including but not limited to: visual arts, sculpture, video, spoken/written word, textiles, performance, dance, installation etc.

Applicants must be living or working in Monmouthshire, Newport or Rhondda Cynon Taf. Creative Cardiff is looking to commission three artists from Monmouthshire with up to £1000 available for each artist.   The deadline  is 31 January 2024   and can be found on the Creative Cardiff website:

  1. FREE Creative Cuppas hosted by The Borough Theatre in Abergavenny and delivered by Creative Cardiff

 Thursday 25 January at 10 am

Making workspaces accessible for neurodivergent creatives with producer, Tom Bevan. Tom is a freelance theatre and live events Producer from Cardiff. He has ADHD and Dyslexia and wants to create spaces where neurodivergent creatives can get together and build solidarity, support and collaborations. Since October 2023, he has been hosting an open space for neurodivergent creatives, producers and artists working in the cultural sector in South Wales to come together to work and connect.

Creative Cuppa: January (Monmouthshire) | Creative Cardiff

Thursday 22 February 2024 at 10.00 am  

Creating digital content with Amy Pay, a highly experienced freelance journalist, copywriter and creative consultant based in the Cardiff Capital Region. With a varied background in print media, broadcasting and digital journalism, she uses her skills to help people to get their stories across through words, strategy and creative ideas. She’s worked with clients big and small, including Lonely Planet, Visit Wales, The Telegraph, Evening Standard and The Guardian, with specialisms including UK travel, small businesses, specialty coffee and creative industries. Please see the link below to read further details and book your place:

Thursday 21 March 2024 at 10.00 am 

Building Confidence whilst working in the creative industries, delivered by Richard Holman. He began his career with the BBC before going on to found one of the UK’s most respected boutique advertising and design agencies. Today he works as an author, speaker & coach. He believes that the world needs creativity and innovation now more than ever, which is why he loves to work with individuals and teams to grow their confidence and make better and braver ideas. Please see the link below regarding this event and book your place:

For the latest news and updates on events or on how to contribute to this project, please visit: 

Cllr Angela Sandles, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, said: “This is such an exciting time for arts in Monmouthshire, I look forward to hearing everyone’s creative ideas and input. It will be great to see the development of a clear vision and collective goal for the future. I can’t wait to learn and see the opportunities that will come from this project and the success it will bring in developing a creative economy in Monmouthshire.”

About the team: Beth McIntyre, who comes from Monmouth and Ann Sumner have worked together for many years, having first met as colleagues at the National Museum of Wales. Ann is a former Head of Fine Art and Beth was Senior Curator (Fine Art – Prints and Drawings) at the museum. Together, they have extensive experience researching and scoping projects, leading consultations, organising networking events and working with artists.

Tokyo Stories: 25/06/23

Tokyo Stories:

Tokyo Stories is a new Exhibition on Screen film that will be showing at the Drill Hall Chepstow on Thursday 25 May 7.30pm, has as its starting point a major show at the Ashmolean Oxford spanning 400 years of art from the delicate woodblock prints of Hokusai and Hiroshige, to Pop Art posters, contemporary photography, Manga, film and brand-new artworks that were created on the streets. The exhibition was a smash-hit, five star success. But the film goes much further and uses the exhibition as a launchpad to travel to Tokyo itself and take the audience on an exploration of the art and artists of the city, past and present.

This is a beautifully illustrated and richly detailed film, looking at a city which has undergone constant destruction and renewal over its 400-year history, resulting in one of the most vibrant and interesting cities on the planet. It tells the stories of the artists and people who have made Tokyo famous for its boundless drive for the new and innovative.

The impressive Exhibition on Screen films are brought to the Drill Hall by, and in support of MonLife Heritage Museums.

Book online or at door from 6.45pm


Thursday 25th May


7:30pm onwards


The Drill Hall, Lower Church Street Chepstow



Let’s Move for a Better World

Let’s Move for a Better World

Support the fight against sedentary lifestyles by joining the biggest social movement campaign in the fitness industry. Get ready to donate moves from 14th to 31st March 2023.

By taking part in the ‘Let’s Move for a Better World’ Campaign, you commit to fight against physical inactivity and all the consequent health diseases contributing to build a better and healthier world. To give everyone the same chance and opportunity, irrespective of age, sex and level of physical ability, Technogym have created the ‘MOVE’, a new way to measure physical activity that connects the whole community.

With only 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week, you reduce the risks associated with obesity and chronic diseases, whilst at the same time reaching other important goals.

Join our Challenge

This March, MonLife are teaming up with Technogym to get Monmouthshire moving. We have set up a ‘MOVEs’ challenge via the ‘MyWellness’ App (available on both the App Store and Play Store) for everyone to join and take part in! All you have to do is complete 2000 MOVEs.

You can complete the challenge in the gym, outdoors or our spin classes. All members that participate will enter a raffle for the chance to win a 12-month membership. Additionally, all members that collect 5000 ‘MOVEs’, will enter a raffle to win ‘Let’s Move’ merchandise.

How to Collect ‘MOVEs’

The Technogym® MOVE is based on body displacement in space, therefore it offers the best means to measure and compare participants’ activity levels during the Campaign. The faster and more often you move, the more ‘MOVEs’ you collect. Here’s how you can collect your ‘MOVEs’:

  • – Indoor Automatic on cardiovascular equipment within MonLife Leisure Centres (i.e., Treadmill, Bikes, Vario, Syncro, Climb, Skill line, Group Cycle)
  • – Indoor Automatic on connected resistance equipment within MonLife Leisure Centres (i.e., Chest Press, Leg Press, Shoulder Press).
  • – The Mywellness App Outdoor GPS Activity Tracker
  • – 3rd Party Devices with GPS connectivity (e.g. – Garmin). Please note Fitbit and Apple watches do not offer this.

Win for your community

The facilities that gather the required number of ‘MOVEs’ will be able to donate equipment to the Institutions or Schools of their choice to help fight obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

Let’s Engage your community to create a healthier world!

Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds to land on stage at Caldicot Castle

Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds to land on stage at Caldicot Castle

One of the best-known names in the UK music industry has just confirmed that they’re heading to Monmouthshire in summer 2023. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds have confirmed they are playing a special one-off date at Caldicot Castle on Saturday 19th August.

Not shy of delivering world-class performances at prestigious outdoor venues, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds will perform a one-off show in the grounds of the castle featuring a selection of the band’s most well-loved songs, from Oasis hits through to current day radio favourites. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds have, since 2011, release three studio albums, a collection of EPs and have played hundreds of live shows across the UK. In summer 2022, the band completed a nationwide tour of outdoor shows by headlining on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury.  

The announcement of the Caldicot Castle date follows the incredibly well-received release of the band’s brand-new single ‘Pretty Boy’, which recently featured as BBC Radio 2’s Record Of The Week. The track signals the beginning of a new creative chapter and first new music from Noel’s forthcoming new studio album which will be released next year.

Caldicot Castle has gained a reputation for hosting chart-topping, famous bands, including girl band Little Mix, in August 2017, and Status Quo in summer 2015. As recently as September 2022, the castle was host to a local folk band that have gained a massive following, Rusty Shackle, marking the release of their latest album.

When they come to Caldicot, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds will be supported by local favourites Feeder. Formed in 1994, the band have released 11 studio albums and have spent a combined total of 184 weeks on the singles and albums chart. Their highly acclaimed album ‘Torpedo’ came out earlier this year continuing the band’s winning formula with big riffs, bigger emotions, and, of course, enormous tunes.

They’ll be joined by Newport’s Goldie Lookin’ Chain, officially Britain’s biggest rap group. Known for ‘Guns don’t kill people rappers do’, the group have released 18 albums in the course of their 22-year-long career.

Pablo Janczur, the Orchard Live promoter, said: “We’re so excited about this absolutely massive show coming to Caldicot Castle. We’ve wanted to bring a great rock line-up to this venue for some time and what could better, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds supported by Feeder on a beautiful summer’s evening. It’s going to be an awesome day out.”

Monmouthshire County Council Leader, Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby said: “I am absolutely thrilled that we will stage another world-class concert in the beautiful setting of Caldicot Castle this coming summer. We’re looking forward to welcoming Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, Feeder and Goldie Lookin’ Chain, as well as thousands of visitors and residents to what promises to be a very special night out.”

Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member with responsibility for MonLife, said: “It’s very exciting to see acts of such high calibre coming to Monmouthshire, and also great news that the organisers have given local residents the opportunity to secure tickets before the general sale takes place. Caldicot Castle is such a beautiful venue that we are really proud of – it has such a lot of offer as a concert venue, as well as being a tremendous attraction for all the family all year round. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the castle on August 19th next year.”

Tickets at £61.88 each, including fees, are on General Sale from 10am on Friday 16th December, but Monmouthshire residents can snap up their tickets sooner than that. The organisers have arranged a special Pre-Sale for local fans from 10am on Wednesday 14th December via

It has also been confirmed that local residents will be engaged with on plans closer to the event to ensure minimal impact on the Caldicot community. Full event information is available at

Wyesham Public Consultation

PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Wyesham Active Travel Links (Monmouth) WelTAG Stage Two Study

Have your say

We would like to hear your views on the list of potential options designed to improve active travel links between the proposed new Active Travel Bridge across the River Wye and Wyesham.

We recommend you view the plans via the options below and read this page to find out more about the scheme.

Section 1:

Option 1

Option 2

Why have changes been proposed?

The route from Wyesham into Monmouth town centre is heavily utilised by residents, children (traveling to and from schools), tourists and visitors. The existing pedestrian facilities are however limited, whilst there are no cycling facilities at all. Links within the study area have failed the active travel audits carried out by Monmouthshire County Council in September 2020. As proposals for the Wye Active Travel Bridge have emerged, the importance of connecting active travel links from the surrounding areas to and from the new bridge has been highlighted.

Scheme Objectives

The objectives of this scheme are to:

  • Provide a direct, coherent, comfortable and attractive walking and cycling network suitable for all users;
  • Increase levels of sustainable access to education, employment health and other key services;
  • Improve actual and perceived safety of vulnerable users;
  • Increase the number of people walking and cycling between Wyesham and Monmouth town centre;
  • Reduce car dependency and car use for short trips between Wyesham and Monmouth town centre through a modal shift; and
  • Reduce the negative impacts of transport on the natural and built environment (i.e., improve air quality, improve public realm, provide sustainable drainage infrastructure, etc.)

The Proposals

Projects such as this one are usually progressed over several years from concept through to detailed design and are then dependent on the approval of funding from bodies such as Welsh Government for the construction phase. We are currently at an early stage of the design process. The preferred option will be selected based on several aspects, including public consultation results, option deliverability (where land ownership will play a key part), cost implications, and option performance against national, regional and local objectives, ambitions and priorities.

Due to the size of the study area, the route has been split into two sections, as described below.

Route Section One – from Proposed New Active Travel Bridge to Wyesham Road

Option 1: proposes to widen the existing footway on the northern side of the A466 and A4136 to provide an off-road shared footway/cycleway from the Active Travel Bridge to Wyesham Road achieved through slight narrowing down of the carriageway and structural support of embankment. The two existing uncontrolled pedestrian refuge island crossings would be replaced with controlled crossing facilities. All side road junctions would be re-designed to accommodate an active travel route.

Option 2: as Option 1 but partially below the existing road level (between Riverside Park and Redbrook Road). A shared pedestrian/cycle route would commence from the junction with Riverside Park and run below the existing road level of the A466. A ramp would then connect it to the existing footway (bring up to the footway level) opposite the junction with Redbrook Road. The existing footway on the southern side of the A466 would remain unaffected.

Route Section Two – Wyesham Road and Wyesham Avenue

Option 1: one-way system eastbound Wyesham Road (In) / Wyesham Avenue (Out), after junction with Wyesham Avenue, the carriageway would revert to two-way traffic. A shared footway/cycleway would be provided on southern side of Wyesham Road to Kymin View Primary School. The carriageway width on Wyesham Avenue would be reduced and footway widened. No loss of parking on Wyesham Avenue. Potential to include links from Wyesham Avenue to Wyesham Road behind St James’s Church and through community woodland.

Option 2: same as Option 1 but westbound Wyesham Avenue (In) / Wyesham Road (Out)

Option 3: maintain two-way traffic throughout with quiet streets principle applied to Wyesham Road and Wyesham Avenue. ‘Quiet streets’ is a term given to urban cycling routes on low traffic speed and volume back streets, which are particularly suitable for new and less confident cyclists. Wyesham Road and Wyesham Avenue have been earmarked for a 20mph speed limit, which will suit the quiet streets principle. A cycle route would be provided on-road with traffic, with cycle symbols used to sign the route and indicate the correct positioning for cycling within the carriageway. Footways would be widened where possible for pedestrian use only. A consideration will be given to include links from Wyesham Avenue to Wyesham Road behind St James’s Church and through community woodland. There is also a potential to include a short length of Shared Use (Pedestrian and Cycleway) Footway from the Wyesham Road junction with Wyesham Avenue to Kymin View School.

Quiet Streets – DE205: CLICK HERE

Option sifting

At the start of this project and in line with the Welsh Transport Appraisal Process the project team developed a wide list of possible solutions, sufficient to be able to decide whether there are any scheme options worth pursuing and to select a short list of options (as detailed above) for more detailed consideration. Options were shortlisted based on:

  • their ability to prevent, or solve the problem now and in the future;
  • their ability to meet the objectives set and improve the social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being of Wales;
  • their short- and longer-term impacts to deliver multiple benefits across the four aspects of well-being and maximise contribution to all seven well-being goals;
  • their deliverability; and
  • their robustness to uncertainty and potential to drive long lasting change.

The Wyesham Road/Avenue route is currently the priority to link Wyesham to Monmouth town and is required to be designed and built to accompany the new Active Travel Bridge. Unfortunately, all options to improve the Redbrook Road route require land purchase and substantial retaining structures, which could take years to agree. This could significantly delay and even jeopardize the scheme. As such, the Redbrook Road section has been excluded from this scheme and our current focus in on the Wyesham Road/Avenue route, which will support delivery of the new Active Travel Bridge.

Your opinion

We want to hear your opinions on each of these shortlisted options. You can express your thoughts by clicking on the survey link below.

Please encourage members of your household and others to undertake the survey since your responses may not necessarily reflect the views of others.

By completing this survey, you are agreeing for this data to be used for this purpose by Monmouthshire County Council and by WSP (RE&I).

Your personal information will be processed by Monmouthshire County Council on behalf of WSP (RE&I). We will only collect your data for this purpose and any sharing of data will be anonymised. This form does not capture your name or contact details. For more information about privacy visit

By submitting this form, you are consenting to your information being processed for the purpose as outlined above.