Outdoor Adventure - Monlife
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Adventure
Quote 1*
"There was a lovely mix of both physical and mental activities. All the activities provided opportunities for teamwork which was certainly enhanced over the trip."
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Adventure
Quote 2*
"Really enjoyed caving because I was able to experience things i’ve never experienced
before and was an exciting once in a
lifetime opportunity."
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Adventure
Quote 3*
"We set out on a quest to discover an out of this world experience learning in the epic and breath-taking Welsh Landscape of Monmouthshire and Brecon Beacons National Park."
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Adventure
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Welcome to MonLife Outdoor Adventure. Our Gilwern site operates in idyllic settings on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park and offers a range of exciting adventure activities.

Our team of experienced and highly qualified staff deliver residential adventure trips and day activities, designed to appeal to primary and secondary schools, youth groups and corporate clients alike. For more information, download our brochure below.

Tel:  01873 735485

Email: outdooradventures@monmouthshire.gov.uk

Packages Available

We offer a variety of options to meet your intended aims and outcomes, whether they are to meet your curriculum needs, team development, or progress personally in an activity of your choice.   

5 Day Residential

Our 5-day residential offer runs from 9:30am Monday to 4:30pm Friday and is made up of a bespoke programme of either: 

Full activity days – One activity each day where skills and confidence can progress.

Half Activity days – two activities each day, introducing participants to the chosen activity. 

2.5 Day Residential

Our half week residentials run either Mon 9:30am – 12pm Wednesday or Wednesday 12:30pm to 4:30pm Friday. 

To maximise your time the 2.5 day residential can be filled with half day activities, yet we can also offer a half day and two full days depending on the aims of your visit.  

Day Visits

Often the beginning of the residential journey.

Either as a progressive package for schools who visit us from year 3 through to year 6, or Scout/Youth groups who are looking for a taster day, the day visit is a great way to begin your journey to a residential

Bespoke Package

If any other package option does not meet your needs and requirements, then we are more than happy to help you build a package that is. Simply contact us via phone or email and we will build your preferred package with you.

Facility Hire 

We offer various facilities which are used by local community groups to supplement their programmed activities or to run bespoke training courses. Please get in touch if you have a requirement and we can recommend the best option for you.


Follow MonLife Outdoor Adventure on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with the latest events, offers and information.


Checkout all the exciting activities on offer here at Gilwern ...

Booking Information
Booking Information

Find out important information needed for your booking here ...

Advisory Service
Advisory Service

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Duke of Edinburgh

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