Abergavenny - Monlife

Overview for Abergavenny Strategic Scheme

This application concentrates on the Active Travel links needed between the areas of Llanfoist and the main town of Abergavenny. It is based on a new Active Travel bridge and associated links that will deliver a number of Active Travel benefits. The overall outcome of the scheme seeks to deliver

  • A new pedestrian/cycle bridge across the River Usk about 50 metres east of the existing Abergavenny Stone bridge (a scheduled monument and also Grade II* listed).
  • Further connections in the form of an off-road Active Travel route through Castle Meadows into the town centre and on to the train station.
  • Improved links to Llanfoist from the new bridge.

The new bridge will become the main river crossing between Llanfoist and Abergavenny for Non-Motorised Users (NMU’s).  This will significantly reduce the risks associated with the existing narrow footway over the existing Abergavenny Bridge and encourage greater modal shift as a result.  It is also important to ensure effective connections from the bridge (new and existing) into the town centre, to housing settlements in Llanfoist and other key destinations, so there is a seamless route.  Welsh Government has in the past funded previous studies on the Llanfoist Bridge.  The bid seeks funding to complete critical stages in the development of the Active Travel network between the Llanfoist settlement and the centre of Abergavenny town.


The scheme is listed in the LTP programme as 4th highest non-Metro priority. The scheme is Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) highest Active Travel Network Map (ATNM) priority for Abergavenny based on our recent Engagement phase and previous data.  The scheme seeks to deliver a new pedestrian/cycle bridge across the River Usk about 50 metres east of the existing Stone bridge which is a Scheduled Monument and Grade II* listed. The new bridge has been sympathetically designed by a renowned bridge Architect and it is proposed that it will become the main river crossing between Llanfoist and Abergavenny for non-motorised users. This will significantly reduce the health and safety risks associated with the existing narrow footway over the existing Bridge. Tasks to include: address pre-commencement planning conditions, procure contractor/s, purchase materials for bridge, implement bridge and associate links and Property Floor Resilience (PFR) measures.    


The scheme seeks to provide improved Active Travel compliant pedestrian and cycle links across Castle Meadows and Ysbytty Fields linking Llanfoist (via Llanfoist foot and cycle bridge) to Abergavenny town centre and Abergavenny rail station.  Tasks to include:

  • Castle Meadows – achieve planning permission, address any pre-commencement conditions, achieve FRAP for River Gavenny bridge, procure a contractor.
  • Ysbytty Fields (including A40/Station Road crossing) – subject to successful land negotiations, undertake further surveys, firm up design, submit planning, achieve planning permission, address any pre-commencement conditions, procure a contractor.


The scheme seeks to provide improved Active Travel compliant pedestrian and cycle links between Llanfoist and the new Llanfoist foot and cycle bridge – where pedestrians and cyclists can then continue their journey onwards via Castle Meadows and Ysbytty Fields to Abergavenny Town Centre and Abergavenny Rail Station.  Tasks to include: completion of WelTAG Stage 3 Study (including associated surveys, and design), prepare tender pack, enquire and submit planning (if required) and any pre-commencement planning conditions, procure contractor/s, and begin construction.

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