Destination Management in Monmouthshire

The coronavirus pandemic, following shortly after February’s severe floods, hit Monmouthshire’s tourism and hospitality businesses particularly badly so we’ve been busy supporting their recovery.
We have launched a new town and village ambassador pilot programme in partnership with MCC, local town and community councils, GAVO, and Volunteering for Well-being. Ambassadors are already out and about in Abergavenny and Tintern ready to welcome residents and visitors and signposting them to local shops, services and attractions.* If you’re interested in becoming an ambassador click on the links to register your interest for Abergavenny and Tintern.
Most of Monmouthshire’s tourism businesses, including accommodation and attractions have also reopened. We’re encouraging visitors to look out for the ‘We’re Good to Go’ tourism and hospitality industry kitemark for reassurance that the business is following government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, ensuring processes are in place to maintain cleanliness and physical distancing.
We’re also encouraging visitors to look at our Plan your Visit page before they set off and check the things they want to see and do are open and where facilities like toilets are available. Many of our attractions need booking in advance such as our newly reopened museums located in Abergavenny, Chepstow and Monmouth, and staffed Cadw sites at Chepstow and Raglan castles and Tintern Abbey.
For more ideas on what to see and do in the area, check out the Visit Monmouthshire website.
For more information, the full role description, criteria and applications visit:
Tintern Ambassador Pilot Programme
Abergavenny Ambassador Pilot Programme